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Leopard Safaris


Leopard Safaris

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SPIRIT to discover
STORY to share
STYLE to experience
STYLE to experience


“Take only memories, leave only footprints”

Leopard Safaris is committed to reducing our carbon footprint, conserving the nature reserves in which we work, and protecting the wildlife within them. Our aim is to give guests a unique and comfortable experience that does not come as a sacrifice to the parks. We damage nothing when we set up our tents, and we leave nothing when we pack them away again. Everything from the food and toilet waste to every canvas sheet and tent peg is packed up and removed from the park when your safari is finished. Our passion for both tracking and protecting Sri Lankan wildlife is what makes us Sri Lanka’s number one safari operator.

Green partnerships 

LEOPARD PROJECT -  We are currently contributing information to The Leopard Project of the Wilderness & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s (WWCT) Spotting the Spots initiative. This form of data, provided by park visitors, has been successfully used in a number of projects around the world. This initiative is of particular importance to account for periods where researchers are absent from the park. For more information on this initiative and how your data could be contributing to ongoing long term research visit here

SRI LANKAN WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT - We support the wildlife department by helping to look out for suspicious behavior or poaching within the parks. Hunting poses a massive threat to Sri Lankan wildlife and we are doing everything we can to stop these barbaric practices and protect our animals and environment.
Lennie The Leopard: A collection of our photos went towards the making of the book Lennie the Leopard by Jan Latta, who is developing wildlife and conservation education for children through true-to-life stories on endangered animals.

Green Power

SOLAR POWERING -  At Leopard Safaris we have no need for generators. All our energy is renewable and solar powered from the lights in the tents to the power used for battery charging in the jeeps. Not only does this mean that you don’t have to worry about power cuts and won’t be kept awake at night by a noisy generator – solar power is totally silent - but it also benefits the environment and your experience by reducing air pollution. We believe that for the perfect safari you should be able to enjoy the blissfully fresh air of the jungle and hear only the sounds of the wild, and in doing so we can fight climate change too! Donated by Juerg Nick

Green products

RECYCLED PAPER - We try to use recycled paper wherever possible to reduce paper waste. We are conscious consumers here at Leopard Safaris and we are working on going completely paper-free as we believe that trees belong with their roots - firmly in the ground. Whilst we are working on this we ensure that when we have to use paper, it is always recycled.

ORGANIC SOAPS AND SHAMPOOS - we offer a range of organic toiletries to be used in our showers to ensure that we do not leave any mark on the nature reserves when we leave. The harsh chemicals found in certain soaps and shampoos can have a detrimental effect on the campsite and so we make sure that all our toiletries are 100% natural.
Sigg stainless steel bottles: we are trying to cut down on the number of plastics at Leopard Safaris. Plastic bottles can be harmful to the environment as they are non-biodegradable and can be poisonous to wildlife. To cut down on plastics used within the park, we provide Sigg stainless steel water bottles in the tent as a re-usable and more sustainable alternative.

Green Cuisine

Eating sustainably doesn’t have to be a sacrifice to your dining experience. At Leopard Safaris we truly believe that we serve up some of the finest food you can find in Sri Lanka. All our food is locally sourced, which means that it is not only supporting the local community and economy, but it is also reducing gas emissions and energy consumption caused by industrial farming and long-distance produce transportation. Over time, locally-sourced products help contribute to healthier soils, fresher air, and better water quality, as well as supporting small businesses and fighting climate change. Knowing that your food comes totally fresh and at no detriment to the environment means that you can enjoy our award-winning alfresco dining with the satisfaction that you are helping to save the environment, one bite at a time!


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